Friday, February 12, 2010

Businesses that are closed on Sunday

I thought it would be cool to list local (and even national) businesses that are closed on Sunday. I always try to encourage these shop owners; and tell them that I will do more commerce with them (because they close on The Lord's Days).

I am not trying to put together a "Christian Yellow Pages"--which is little more than an artificially-baptized secular version of the regular Yellow Pages.

As a matter of fact, I don't care if the business is owned by a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, or a snake-handler, etc.

Feel free to send me names of legitimate businesses, that you know are closed on Sunday.

Here's my list . . .

1) Brown Printing (Peoria), owned by a Muslim friend of mine.
2) Hobby Lobby
3) Chick-fil-A
4) Illinois Car Dealerships (see, there is at least ONE good law in this sorry state!)
5) John Deal (State Farm Ins.), Peoria
6) Sully's Pub and Cafe, Peoria
7) Paparazzi Restaurant, Peoria
8) Jonah's Seafood, East Peoria
9) Tanners Orchard, Speer, IL
10) Ethan Allen, Peoria
11) Naturally Yours Grocery and Deli, Peoria
12) Sushi Gawa (Restaurant), Peoria
13) Sterling Flower Shoppe, Peoria
14) Galley Restaurant and Pub, Peoria
15) Moniers Flowers and Gifts, Peoria
16) Hoerr Nursery, Peoria
17) Lariat Steakhouse, Peoria
18) Kelleher's Irish Pub and Eatery, Peoria
19) Tranh Linh (Vietnamese Restaurant), Peoria
20) Water Street Wines, Cafe, and Coffees, Peoria
21) Apples Bakery, Peoria
22) Hog Trough, Hanna City
23) Gil's Supper Club, Hanna City
24) Hannah's Parlor, Hanna City
25) Window World (of Peoria)
26) Running Central, Peoria
27) Gregg Florist, Peoria
28) Kelly Glass, Peoria
29) Cyd's Gourmet Kitchen, Peoria
30) Papa John's, East Peoria
31) French Toast (restaurant)
32) La Gondola Spaghetti House
33) Lagron-Miller Co.
34) Chicago Grill
35) Oreck Vacuums, Peoria

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reaching intelligent unbelievers with the gospel

Many unbelievers are very intelligent and thoughtful people. A lot of them are downright nice, and even gracious. Sometimes they put professing Christians to real shame.

My experience with them is that they are very liberal in their thinking. They live the way they want to; they have pretty much cast off (and often very consciously) all vestiges of organized religion; and they seek to spend the days they have on earth having as much fun as they possibly can.

The question before us is this: can these people be reached with the gospel; and, if so, how? My answer: Yes, they can indeed be reached; but the way to do so is not according to the standard approaches being employed today (by many churches).

Intelligent unbelievers are wary of gimmicks, and of believers' efforts to mimic the world. They know we cannot do as well as Madison Avenue does, in marketing our religious wares; and they snicker at our paltry efforts to act like Hollywood, often viewing these antics as little more than jokes.

Unbelievers need to behold serious and intelligent believers, living life in church, intentionally and consistently. The best way to reach intelligent unbelievers is to be faithful churchmen. The churches we belong to ought to appear to be different from anything unbelievers see in the world all the time. In other words, "contemporary" is not the way to go. This may snare some mindless unbelievers; but typically, it will not entice thoughtful ones.

Let our churches employ the old Puritan ways: filling the pulpits with men truly called to preach the gospel, who are well-trained, and fluent in the things of religion and the world. Let us sing psalms and hymns; and let us pray earnestly. Also, let us employ the Lord's Supper and Baptism, as signs that distinguish God's people from those who are not His.

There is no guarantee that intelligent unbelievers will respond positively to our gospel message, even in the context of a serious church worship on the Lord's Days--but it is their best shot at glory.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Home, Sweet Church

Have you ever been out in the world with unchurched folks for a pretty intense and long period of time? If you have, you know that many of these people are very kind, sweet, generous, and interesting.

You also know that, after a while, you hanker to be back with your "own kind."

No matter how dry and "desert-like" our weekly experiences in the world may be . . . believers have *this* blessed prospect to anticipate, and look forward to every week: the Sunday church service.

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ecclesiocentricity Re-asserted

Those of you who have followed this blog for the years that it has existed know all about Ecclesiocentricity. But, if you are new to it, you may think it's just some disconnected ramblings of an American observer of the political climate.

Therefore, let me re-state the truth of Ecclesiocentricity again, so as to "re-establish our bearings."

Ecclesiocentricity, simply-put, teaches that the church is the most important institution in the universe. It is more important than the state, (viz. governments of all sorts); and it is more important than the family. Ecclesiocentricity does not deny the goodness of the state, or the family. Both of them are ordained of God, and both of them are necessary, and beneficial. They are both gifts of God's common grace, which He gives to *all* people: Christians, or otherwise.

But neither the state nor the home have any inherent redemptive qualities about them. Anything spiritually good in them must be *derived* from their *connection* to the church. In the case of the state, this connection is not organic. (In other words, we do not advocate a "union" of the church and state. Instead, they are two separate entities.) The state benefits as it listens to, and obeys the pastors called by God (to lead the church--and, by extension, the world).

The family derives redemptive benefit by being *organically* joined to the church, in baptism, which signifies covenant union with Jesus, and His family.

Therefore, (among many other reasons), the church is primary. God looks upon her fist; and He only blesses the world, or individuals, through His "brokered" ministry through her (the church).

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spiritual "Illegal Immigrants"

It dawned on me over the past 24 hours that those religious people (many of whom call themselves "Christians") who refuse to be covenanted with the visible church are very much like illegal immigrants.

These (religious people) live in the same land, they breathe the same air, and they see the same things most of the rest of us do--but they have no rights, no privileges, and no honor.

Just as illegal immigrants have their "advocates," (whose advocacy is more a hindrance to their good, than a promoter of it), so do spiritual "illegal immigrants," (in that there are many foolish religious people that encourage them in their ignorance).

These spiritual "illegals" wrongly believe they have access to God; and they seek to take what they want from Christ, His church, and the Bible, while leaving what they don't like alone (like responsibility and accountability).

But just as illegal immigrants ought to be sent back home--so God will send "home" (to hell) all those spiritual illegals as well.

Still, there is good news: even as illegal immigrants can "repent," go home, and start over, seeking the citizenship of another country in a lawful way--so can spiritual "illegals," as well. When they repent, believe, and apply to the visible church for admission, they can (and should) be wholeheartedly received.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Goal of Life on Earth

Every human being has deep within himself or herself a burning desire to achieve one's ultimate end, or purpose, or goal. The Christian's end is to become more and more like Christ. Heaven will be the crowning glory of this God-caused achievement.

On earth, however, we need to know where and how our provisional "ends" occur. These happen every Sunday, (every Lord's Day), in the church's Sabbath worship of the Holy and Triune God, as the Body of Christ celebrates the Redeemer's resurrection from the dead.

Therefore, every Sunday the faithful Christian (who will be a faithful churchman) reaches his or her destination.

Unlike false religions, however, the Christian's Sunday-to-Sunday pattern is *not* cyclical. Instead, it is gradually progressive. Even though we are doing the "same thing" every Sunday, as we achieve our goal on earth--nonetheless, in doing so, we are also growing more and more into the image of Christ.

In light of this, if you are frustrated, always seeking some new "thing" or experience "out there" to make you happy, or to give you a sense of fulfillment--instead, become a Christian; and live in harmony with God's grace in Christ, whereby you will be satisfied, since you "arrive" every Lord's Day.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

True and False Evangelism

A fundamental difference between the biblical (or, Puritan, Reformed) mode of evangelism; and that which is most prominent today (in mainline and broadly evangelical Christianity), is this:

We, following the example of Christ, the apostles, and the prophets of the OT, do not call people to a "decision." Instead, we call people to faith in a Person (Jesus), with corresponding repentance toward the sins that have alienated the sinner from the Savior.

Charles Finney-type "evangelism," largely-prevalent since the mid-19th century, calls people to make a "decision." There is typically quite a bit of pressure exerted on the person; and usually great promises accompany the "making" of this decision: everlasting life, a relationship with God, assurance of heaven.

Biblical, etc. evangelism, rather, calls on people to believe and repent. The persons to whom loving evangelism is addressed are immediately directed to the church, the Body of Christ. There, these souls are encouraged to begin to listen to the Gospel proclaimed (on Sundays), and to begin to *immediately* accord their new lifestyles to one of Sunday observance, church membership, and the worship of the True God.

Finney evangelism is largely responsible for the sorry state of religion in the world today. Nonetheless, let us not shy away from our great heritage; and may we be at the vanguard of calling sinners to the Savior.

Some of the "sinners" we will call were already sold a bill of goods. They think they already have a relationship with God, since they said a prayer, walked an aisle, signed a book, or raised a hand. These folks may never have demonstrated any fruit, i.e. they may never have joined a church, etc.--but they are still to be the objects of our loving concern, and evangelism.