Every human being resorts, inevitably, to one of the three main societal realms, given us by God. People either look to the state for the answer to their problems; the family for the same; or to the church. The goal of this blog site is to encourage folks to look to the church.
Let's explore this whole dynamic in a bit more detail. Traditionally, we have associated those who look to the government for their salvation as "liberals." This is probably too simplistic, but, for the sake of convenience, let us settle on it for a while.
In recent years, there has been a very substantial movement, among many on the "right," (if you will), to seek the primary solutions to the problems of life in the realm of the family. These folks we might call "conservatives," (or maybe, strong conservatives).
There has always been a perverted notion among some unfortunate Christians, that would tend to worship the church, per se--and these people are not the models we want to choose.
So, given that this is The "Forum for Ecclesiocentricity," where do we go from here; and how do we help people who are struggling with these issues?
First of all, I think we need to state that the problem, and the difficulty of it, is a real, and palpable one. Anyone who has sought to raise a child (or children) in a responsible way in the past few decades (especially), knows how hard it is, and how one's heart is moved toward one position, or another. Therefore, we need true compassion as we deal with these issues, in the lives and souls of real human beings.
I dare say, however, in this particular blog, and I suspect I will expand on this later, that anything BUT the resorting to the church first, is a recipe for disaster. The devil easily picks off those who do not find their shelter under the wing of the bride of Christ. No matter how well-intended, anywhere else is a very scary and dangerous place to be.