Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Church and Home United?

Some folks, undoubtedly well-meaning, imagine that the ideal world would find the church and home "united." I suppose to some extent it depends on what one means by "united."

If it means that the church becomes the lackey of the home, then this is an undesirable goal. If it means that the home learns from, submits to, and honors the church, then this would be a noble achievement.

The old European model of the church and state being united ought to be sufficient warning for us to be wary of the church and home being so joined. When the church and state were "one," the church sacrificed away its prophetic role of calling the state back to God. The same would be true in a world where the church and home were "united."

The home needs, for its own good, the church's prophetic voice, hearkening it (the home) unto Christ, the church itself, and holiness.

So, if the church and home are to be "united," let it be accomplished by the home's coming under the blessing, protection, and graces of the church. In this way, the power of the God's gospel would flow from Christ, through His church, to the home.

Now, in this scenario, the church and home would be positively "bound together" by the home's submission to the church's Head, sacraments, offices, and means of grace.