Friday, August 17, 2007

Nice pastors/Benign churches

It seems to me that most Christian people want (what I am calling) "nice" pastors, and "benign" churches. In other words, they don't want to be part of something that shakes up the established order (of sin). Instead, they want a "safe" place, where no one is offended, and where the church dares not to take on the evils of the world.

But "benign" churches, like benign tumors, don't really do anything of significance. They are *there*, but they are not dangerous. Satan has no problem at all with the existence, nor the proliferation of benign churches (and "nice" pastors).

Don't misunderstand me: God's true (or Puritan) pastors *are* to be nice. In fact, they are to be the MOST gracious persons on the face of the earth. The churches they serve are to be places of grace. Everyone (except spiritual wolves) ought to feel genuinely welcomed there. These pastors, and these churches, are to be the avant-garde of all of culture and society.

But having said all that, we must follow, not in the footsteps of the world (which is spiritual suicide), but in the footsteps of the Savior (who knew how to be both salt and light, in every situation).

When you choose a church, be careful. If you are a hypocrite, or a coward, be sure to opt for one that will not stomp on your sins. But if you are a sincere Christian--be sure you look for one that will love you (and your world) enough to minister grace to all, (after first addressing the sin need).