Today, so many Christians are falling over each other, seeking to be relevant to their culture. In many well-meaning and well-intentioned ways, they are striving to affect culture, interact with it, and even change it. There is a sincere desire to in someway offer an alternative to secular “culture,” by coming up with different variations on a theme—viz. by creating “Christian” movies, books, etc.
But a much better thesis (derived from the passion of this blogsite) is that the church is to *be* culture—in relationship to which all other facets of life—be it family, government, industry, art, music, etc.—ultimately derive whatever meaning, purpose, and usefulness they rightly possess (from and by God).
The church as culture begins on Sunday, during the Sabbath worship of God, under the authority of the Word of God (the Scriptures), and the eldership established in the church by God (from within the Scriptures). Without this starting point, there is no hope for true, noble, or purposeful culture at any level whatsoever.
Once this is concept of the church as culture is established, however, there is room for a whole world of other culture, which, in the final analysis derives its meaningfulness from God, Christ’s church, the Gospel, and the Bible itself.