Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sunday + Church + Worship = Culture (1st article)

When Christ and His church (which can never be separated) are at the center of the equation, then we are in a position to make a real difference in the world. Note that “Sunday” and “Worship” surround “Church.” The reason for this is that unless we have God’s New Covenant Sabbath Day (the day of Jesus’ resurrection) set aside as holy, our Christianity has no savoriness, nor credibility.

The world inevitably follows the church. When the church does not stay faithful in three areas: preaching, the proper administration of the sacraments, and discipline—then the rest of the world falls apart also (following the church’s bad example).

In a world of turmoil (much like we are in today), all people flee to some refuge. Many religious people (even professing Christians) are seeking to find their help first and foremost in one of two places: government (the state), or the family (the home). But neither of these two (good and God-given) institutions were ever designed by the Lord to be the first point of cultural contact and transformation. Only Christ in His church holds this sacred privilege.